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Podcast: People Need Patches! Why Cybersecurity Awareness in Healthcare is Critical

Podcast: How to Plan for Battling Cyberattacks EHR

There is a common saying around MEDHOST, “You can patch a server, but you can’t patch a person.”

The only people patching you can do is to educate users over the real-world threats of cybercrime and how carelessness can have severe effects. Many people do not know how easy it is to become patient-zero in a cybercrime epidemic.

Updating cybersecurity systems guarding a hospital’s electronic health records (EHR) is widely recognized by most system admins and CIOs as an essential ongoing task. On the other hand, routinely educating non-IT employees on cybersecurity awareness is possibly not as common as it should be?

Todd Williams, Manager of Security Operations at MEDHOST notes in a recent report that over half of recorded healthcare data breaches in 2019 came from internal sources. In this episode of Tales of  the Encrypted, Todd Williams talks about how instilling a culture of cybersecurity savviness can help healthcare organizations protect themselves, employees, and their patients from the threats of cybercrime.

Hear why keeping employees up-to-speed on the interconnectedness of personal and professional information security should be one in the same with routine maintenance.

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