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YourCareEverywhere Mobile Application | MEDHOST

YourCareEverywhere, now available in the Apple App Store and Google Play, provides consumers with a single, secure source to aggregate health and wellness information

FRANKLIN, Tenn. – February 29, 2016 – YourCareUniverse, a MEDHOST® company, today announced that its YourCareEverywhere consumer health app and latest version of its patient portal, which is included in the app,  has been tested and certified under the Drummond Group's Electronic Health Records Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB) program.[1]

With today's announcement, the YourCareEverywhere app becomes one of the first mobile apps to achieve Meaningful Use certification under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) EHR incentive program. The app, which is co-branded with participating hospitals, allows consumers to link to their patient portal, communicate with providers and access personalized health and wellness content.  Consumers can also upload their own data from consumer health devices like, Garmin™, FitBit® and Jawbone®. The YourCareUniverse patient portal, designed for both the inpatient and ambulatory settings. It has already adopted by more than 340 facilities and is interoperable with any EHR system.

Increasingly, consumers look to the Internet and smart phones for their healthcare information. According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center, 72 percent of Internet users had looked online for health information in the past year, and 52 percent of smart phone owners had used their phones to look up health or medical information.[2]

Online healthcare Home

"Our aim was to create a compelling online healthcare home where consumers could aggregate all of their health and wellness information," said Daniel Hart, executive vice president for YourCareEverywhere. "By co-branding the app with the hospital, we are creating a personalized experience between healthcare providers and consumers to help participating facilities build their brand, which is increasingly important in a competitive healthcare market. Hospitals must engage consumers before, during and after they receive care. The YourCareEverywhere app provides a powerful tool to help them meet this goal."

In a 2015 survey released by the Council of Accountable Physician Practices and the Bipartisan Policy Center, 52 percent of Americans expressed a desire to access all of their health information in the same place.[3] The YourCareEverywhere app aggregates consumer health information in one location and empowers consumers to track and improve their health. The multi-faceted app from YourCareEverywhere allows consumers to:

  • Set up medication reminders
  • Upload and track health and wellness data from wearables and other personal devices
  • Connect with Walgreens to refill prescriptions
  • Securely message with providers
  • View health content that is personalized based on preferences
  • Also, Connect to participating hospitals or health systems and view associated medical information

The YourCareEverywhere app is available for consumers to download in the Apple App Store and on Google Play. Also, For more information, visit


MEDHOST is a provider of market-leading enterprise, departmental and healthcare engagement solutions to more than 1,100 healthcare facilities. Our healthcare management system includes intuitive, easy-to-use and SaaS-enabled solutions. Also, YourCareUniverse, an integrated suite of cloud-based patient and provider engagement applications. Our robust offering of managed hosting, outsourcing and consulting services are changing how clinicians and hospital leaders work and communicate, while generating notable operational, patient flow, care and revenue improvements. Specifically, MEDHOST delivers value by enabling hospitals of all types and all sizes. Especially, this is to better manage care and the business of healthcare while meeting evolving regulatory requirements. So, Connect with MEDHOST on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

YourCareEverywhere is especially a digital consumer engagement platform that builds brand for providers and engages consumers by aggregating health news and content, wellness data and medical information into a unified experience.

However, Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Samra Khan

1 This modular EHR, YourCareUniverse Health Portal with YourCareEverywhere App 6.0.0, is 2014 Edition-compliant and has been certified by ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments. For a complete review of the EHR certification and accompanying price transparency visit our regulatory and compliance page.
2 "Health Fact Sheet." Pew Research Center.
3 "Improving Health Through Interoperability and Information Sharing: Advancing Medical Innovation for a Healthier America." Bipartisan Policy Center, December 2015.

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