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Tuesday December 21, 2021  |  Shannon Lyons, DNP, Program Director

Solving for Cures Act 2021 Compliancy

Patients and their providers both expect and need unfettered access to critical health data from multiple care settings. Patients also desire to have greater control over their health information. This shift in electronic health information (EHI) management and usage creates an even greater need to broaden healthcare’s digital doorway. The 21st Cures Act stands as a significant piece of regulation that will help improve EHI access, promote interoperability, and meet the demands of healthcare consumers, providers, and regulatory bodies.  

Hospitals need to prepare for this Promoting Interoperability regulation well before the 2023 reporting period, and MEDHOST can help.  

Keys to Cures Compliancy 

The Cures Act advances Promoting Interoperability by requiring hospitals to give patients and providers a way to securely access and share healthcare data stored in electronic health records (EHR) and other health information technology (HIT) systems.  

Most importantly, Cures prohibits information blocking that restricts access to specified personal healthcare data. For that reason, the ability to allow open access to healthcare data across the spectrum of care and move that data between different healthcare settings is critical to compliance.  

These are two major technology areas a Cures compliant solution must focus on. 

  • Near real-time read access to USCDI v1 data. These components allow patients and clinicians to use third-party resources to access healthcare data from a compliant EHR systemThis capability is facilitated via APIs (Application Programming Interface) compliant with FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources 4.0.1 standards. Support for SMART on FHIR, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID Connect (OIDC) are essential features of this functionality.  
  • EHI Export. Allows the machine computable export of all data, including the patient’s financial and billing data. By 2023, EHR vendors will be required to offer two types of EHI exports:  
    • Single patient exports – Provides the individual patient the means to independently export their data. This capability can be accomplished via a patient portal. 
    • Full system exports – Export of all data contained within a facility’s EHR into a machine computable format.

How MEDHOST Gets You Cures Compliant 

As an integral portion of our current HIT products and solutions, the MEDHOST Cures 2023 Interoperability Solution incorporates all of the features mentioned above into a single deliverable. This solution creates a framework for the seamless and secure access, exchange, and use of electronic health information for our customers.  

By leveraging the existing MEDHOST platform, the MEDHOST Cures 2023 Interoperability Solution empowers our customers and their patients with improved access to electronic health record (EHR) systems across various healthcare settings. 

Need more information on how MEDHOST can help you fulfill all Cures Act and Promoting Interoperability requirements? Please reach out to your Customer Success Executive or at 

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