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Transition to Digital Marketing with YourCareEverywhere

Transition to marketing YourCareEverywhere

While other industries have been rushing to adopt online search, social media and mobile technologies with supporting marketing campaigns, many healthcare organizations have been slower to embrace digital marketing and continue to funnel marketing dollars into traditional channels, like print ads, radio, billboards and one-off direct mail tactics. Understanding the business of digital marketing can be complicated, often requiring new skills and talent, new technology and processes.

We explored this further in the healthcare market and found the following insights:
  1. A perceived belief that digital marketing requires CRM and marketing automation platforms that are expensive, complex and resource-intensive
  2. Many hospital websites are dated and not mobile-friendly, thereby missing consumer engagement opportunities
  3. Hospital websites and other digital assets are often not considered mission critical when thinking about patient engagement strategies, even for key initiatives like patient portal adoption and Meaningful Use Stage 3 measurement attainment
  4. Most hospitals simply don't have the time and resources to learn the ins and outs and the business benefits of digital marketing

In the early days of internet marketing, sitting back and observing was the pathway most all hospitals took, but since then we have watched email marketing become a dominant force when engaging with consumers. Next, social media was shaping brands and product success and now we are seeing digital technology - apps, smart devices and wearables - transform the healthcare industry like no other period in history. With smart device penetration in the U.S. approaching 85 percent, hospitals can no longer wait to embrace digital marketing.1

We know more and more consumers are turning to online search, social media, and mobile technology. Especially, in order to find their hospital or healthcare provider, or to research health and wellness topics. That's why MEDHOST created YourCareEverywhere®, offered through its YourCareUniverse subsidiary, a strategic online health and wellness platform that helps healthcare organizations quickly and easily establish a competitive digital footprint and expand their brand presence and value beyond the walls of their facility.

The YourCareEverywhere® platform is unique and innovative. It provides facilities affordable content and digital engagement solutions. So any size organization can attract and retain patients, grow market share and build brand. Here's what makes YourCareEverywhere® unique:
  • Compelling, relevant health and wellness news, tools and resources which can be co-branded for a facility's digital content marketing efforts
  • EHR-agnostic patient portal consolidation so patients can simplify access via linkage across all their patient portals
  • A home for consolidating self-generated health data from apps, devices or wearables. So users can be more informed and empowered about their health
  • A customizable, facility co-branded Wellness Dashboard where users can consolidate health resources and stay connected across all aspect of their 'health world' – portals, care teams, apps, devices, wearables, news, blogs, social feeds, etc.
  • A co-branded mobile app, certified for Meaningful Use2

To maximize the potential of the YourCareEverywhere® solution, MEDHOST supports facilities with turn-key digital marketing solutions. Especially, which help to eliminate high costs, internal expertise or resource gaps, and implementation delays. Using analytical insights to guide audience targeting and to focus on high-opportunity service lines, YourCareEverywhere helps facilities develop and execute marketing activities versus building new internal infrastructure and hiring new talent with digital experience. YourCareEverywhere provides templated and customizable marketing solutions that proves to work at a fraction of the cost. Also, help facilities build ongoing relationships with patients and consumers in the community

Analytical Insights-

With YourCareEverywhere, we use analytical insights to help facilities differentiate themselves and better target their marketing campaigns. For example, we can focus a campaign demographically and geographically by determining which markets are optimal targets for care. We know where potential new patients are and how to reach them. With this information, we can target marketing campaigns as well as test images. Also, calls to action, and various messages to see which ones convert new patients. Moreover, We wanted to offer digital marketing expertise at a low operational cost. If you had to do this type of work in other traditional channels, you could end up spending your whole annual budget in a single campaign.

If you're ready to move your hospital marketing efforts into the digital space, contact us for more information about how the YourCareEverywhere platform can help you successfully make the transition and expand your digital reach.

The modular EHR, YourCareUniverse Health Portal with YourCareEverywhere App 6.0.0, is 2014 Edition-compliant and has been certified by ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments. For a complete review of the EHR certification and accompanying "Cost and Limitations" visit

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