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Case Study: Remedy Healthier Rev Cycle Management EHR

A Remedy for Healthier Revenue Cycle Management

A Remedy for Healthier Revenue Cycle Management EHR

A twisted ankle, a common cold, or a tension headache are all seemingly minor ailments with home remedies: ice for the ankle, fluids for the cold, and a cool compress for your headache. However, what happens when at-home remedies fail, and symptoms persist? Maybe it’s time to call a professional who can pinpoint and treat the underlying issues. Many community hospitals experience various revenue cycle management (RCM) ailments and are unable to find their exact cause.

With patient calls piling up, billing tweaks proving ineffective, and hours of staff time lost to inefficiency, community hospitals often seek MEDHOST Revenue Cycle Services to step in and help with revenue cycle management. Working closely with CFOs and other stakeholders within the hospital’s RCM platform, MEDHOST gets to the root of revenue issues and prescribes long-term solutions.

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