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Accelerating Throughput and Reducing Stress in Your Emergency Department

patient with emergency department staff

Is Your EDIS Solution Helping You Accomplish Both?

Emergency departments (ED) are stressful environments by nature so when capacity is exceeded, stress levels rise and chances for errors increase drastically. Quality, safety, and efficiency are all effected when patients experience long wait times. In fact, studies have shown evidence that ED crowding contributes to poor quality care.

ED overcrowding and incoming traffic may be out of the hospital’s control. Nevertheless, EDs must be equipped to deal with overcrowding and influxes in patient volumes. Fortunately, there are many proactive measures that an ED can take to manage the overflow of patients.

The first step that will help facilities improve their ability to flex, is to implement a technology solution that allows them to track, measure, and trend patient flow. Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) is a tool that allows providers to understand, manage, and optimize processes.

Ease of use and usability are key when picking out an EDIS solution.

An EDIS that improves operational performance without disrupting exiting workflows is critical for patient care. A solution that forces you to change your existing workflows, will only create additional problems instead of solutions.

When your facility is at or over capacity, the last thing the ED staff needs is an EDIS interface with confusing menus, or unnecessary screens, tedious dialogue boxes, multiple key strokes that impede care and put patients at risk.

Reporting and Measurability drive accountability.

An EDIS solution that does not facilitate process management through reliable historical data may work initially, but in the long run it won’t help you improve consistently. On the other hand, good data can help analyze ED bottlenecks and help you create not only short-term enhancements, but also long-term improvements. Moreover, reducing wait times and improving patient throughput can help create satisfied patients and emergency department staff.

MEDHOST EDIS features intuitive, graphical floor plans of your ED to enhance staff communication and workflow. Built-in risk mitigation with automated notifications, risk alerts, and visual cues help increase patient safety . Comprehensive and flexible reports will help you manage and fine-tune processes resulting in enhanced ED performance.

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