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Video: The Origin of MEDHOST EDIS


One might wonder what kinds of lessons an Emergency Department (ED) Director could learn from the restaurant industry? The orgin story of MEDHOST’s Emergency Department Information System (EDIS) draws a perfect illustration of that unlikely healthcare-hospitality service parallel.

While there is much more at stake in an ED environment than your favorite eatery, the experiences that define success for restaurants and emergency rooms are quite similar. It is no stretch to think of patients as diners and tables as beds, and the main course your ED is serving up should be an optimal emergency care experience.

The idea of providing patients with the best level of care, by giving emergency staff a high-level view of their department workflow, is a core foundation our EDIS platform was built upon. In emergency situations, maximizing throughput by giving your staff the support and visibility they need to do their jobs must be top priorities. Registrars need to know how many beds are available, patients need to be seen in a timely matter, clinicians need to be able to quickly and accurately assess conditions and assign proper treatments. MEDHOST EDIS helps your ED staff do all that and more.

In the following video, MEDHOST's Director of Clinical Sales Solutions discusses our EDIS’ unique origins and how its intuitive user interface and expansive functionality support your ED mission.

If you have questions and want to learn more about how MEDHOST EDIS, feel free to email us at or call us at 1.800.383.6278.

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